About the school

Monday, June 22, 2009 Leave a Comment

St. Paul’s Highre Secondary School a Christian Relegious minority institution was established in 1975. It was founded primarily for the education of children irrespective of caste, sreed and relegious affiliation. This school is under the management of the Bethany Educational Scociety, which is registred under the societies registration act if 1860 (vide registration No.17 of 1948-1949). all the members of Bethany Educational Society are Catholic Relegious Sisters belongig to the congregation of the sisters of Little Flower of Beathany, founded by Msgr. R.F.C.Mascarenhas who was also the life member of the beathanay Educational Society, Bendur, Manglore-575 022, Karnataka, India.


  • Anonymous said:  

    Hmmm......School is Great !

  • Rahman RC said:  

    yep ! Too good

  • vishnu said:  

    bad principal sr j***y

  • rohith mk said:  

    it is not yet a plastic free campus'

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