
About The School

St. Paul’s Highre Secondary School a Christian Relegious minority institution was established in 1975. It was founded primarily for the education of children irrespective of caste, sreed and relegious affiliation. This school is under the management of the Bethany Educational Scociety, which is registred under the societies registration act if 1860 (vide registration No.17 of 1948-1949). all the members of Bethany Educational Society are Catholic Relegious Sisters belongig to the congregation of the sisters of Little Flower of Beathany, founded by Msgr. R.F.C.Mascarenhas who was also the life member of the beathanay Educational Society, Bendur, Manglore-575 022, Karnataka, India.

The school is Located at Kohinoor, which is near to the Calicut University In Kerala.If you Want To know more about the School, Please go to the Official Website.
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Our Core Values

[ Tuesday, June 23, 2009 | 1 comments ]

Core Values
God experience God experience

Compassionate love for all especially the poor and the marginalised Compassionate love for all especially the poor and the marginalised

Communion, collaboration, team spirit Communion, collaboration, team spirit

Respect for life, nature, culture, religiou.s and love for the nation Respect for life, nature, culture, religious and love for the nation
Excellence in terms of developing  each one’s unique potentialities to build a just and humane community
Excellence in terms of developing each one’s unique potentialities to build a just and humane community

Truth, love, justice and peace Truth, love, justice and peace

Simplicity of life style and dignity of labour Simplicity of life style and dignity of labour
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Objectieves of the School


1. Spiritual Development

2.Emotional Development

3.Intellectual Development

4.Physical Development

5.Love for the Nation

6.Cultural Development

7.Formation of Social Consciousness, Social Justice & Commitment

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Qualities of a student of st'pauls - How a St'paulcian must be

  1. He/She is gentle, kind, polite, dignified in and out of the school campus.
  2. He/She is willing to accept whatever work is assigned to him/her.
  3. He/She is friendy & coureous to all.
  4. He/She is always careful to get up when any teacher, visitor or elderly person enters or passes by the room in which He/She happens to be.
  5. He/She is always honest & truthful.
  6. He/She is careful to respect the rules of library.
  7. He/She is always clean in dress, clear in thought and earnest in studies.
  8. His/Her manners are worthy of emulation.
  9. He/She is bound to greet his/her teachers.

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School Programme & Curriculam


The school offers a 14 year pattern of education. The curriculam includes English, Malayalam, Hindi, Mathematics, Social Science, Basic Science & Moral Science. We have lower & upper Kinder Garten to cater to the needs of tiny tots….

The school educates on morality and moral conduct. Group prayers are also arranged in the school. Children are to participate in prayer, irrespective of religious denomination. A strict secular outlook is maitained in all theese prayers and gatherings.

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About the school

[ Monday, June 22, 2009 | 5 comments ]

St. Paul’s Highre Secondary School a Christian Relegious minority institution was established in 1975. It was founded primarily for the education of children irrespective of caste, sreed and relegious affiliation. This school is under the management of the Bethany Educational Scociety, which is registred under the societies registration act if 1860 (vide registration No.17 of 1948-1949). all the members of Bethany Educational Society are Catholic Relegious Sisters belongig to the congregation of the sisters of Little Flower of Beathany, founded by Msgr. R.F.C.Mascarenhas who was also the life member of the beathanay Educational Society, Bendur, Manglore-575 022, Karnataka, India.
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